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STRidER: South Africa

Study statistics

21 Autosomal STRs
Allele type
Sample size
South Africa
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Bibliographic information

Date published
Nov. 7, 2024
Recommendations of the DNA Commission of the International Society for Forensic Genetics (ISFG) on Quality Control of Autosomal Short Tandem Repeat Allele Frequency Databasing (STRidER)
Martin Bodner, Ingo Bastisch, John M. Butler, Rolf Fimmers, Peter Gill, Leonor Gusmão, Niels Morling, Christopher Phillips, Mechthild Prinz, Peter M. Schneider, and Walther Parson
Forensic Science International: Genetics

The statistical evaluation of autosomal Short Tandem Repeat (STR) genotypes is based on allele frequencies. These are empirically determined from sets of randomly selected human samples, compiled into STR databases that have been established in the course of population genetic studies. There is currently no agreed procedure of performing quality control of STR allele frequency databases, and the reliability and accuracy of the data are largely based on the responsibility of the individual contributing research groups. It has been demonstrated with databases of haploid markers (EMPOP for mitochondrial mtDNA, and YHRD for Y-chromosomal loci) that centralized quality control and data curation is essential to minimize error. The concepts employed for quality control involve software-aided likelihood-of-genotype, phylogenetic, and population genetic checks that allow the researchers to compare novel data to established datasets and, thus, maintain the high quality required in forensic genetics.

Here, we present STRidER (http://strider.online), a publicly available, centrally curated online allele frequency database and quality control platform for autosomal STRs. STRidER expands on the previously established ENFSI DNA WG STRbASE and applies standard concepts established for haploid and autosomal markers as well as novel tools to reduce error and increase the quality of autosomal STR data. The platform constitutes a significant improvement and innovation for the scientific community, offering autosomal STR data quality control and reliable STR genotype estimates.

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Normalized frequencies
🟡 Pending

This check verifies that allele frequencies for each locus add up to 1 within a specified tolerance.

Misspelled locus names
🟡 Pending

Looks for common misspellings such as changing thee number 0 for the letter O.

Forensic parameters

Forensic parameters for each locus as reported by the authors.
Locus # MP PI Hobs Hexp PIC PD PE HWE
CSF1PO 733 - - - - - - - -
D10S1248 733 - - - - - - - -
D12S391 733 - - - - - - - -
D13S317 733 - - - - - - - -
D16S539 733 - - - - - - - -
D18S51 733 - - - - - - - -
D19S433 733 - - - - - - - -
D1S1656 733 - - - - - - - -
D21S11 733 - - - - - - - -
D22S1045 733 - - - - - - - -
D2S1338 733 - - - - - - - -
D2S441 733 - - - - - - - -
D3S1358 733 - - - - - - - -
D5S818 733 - - - - - - - -
D7S820 733 - - - - - - - -
D8S1179 733 - - - - - - - -
FGA 733 - - - - - - - -
SE33 733 - - - - - - - -
TH01 733 - - - - - - - -
TPOX 733 - - - - - - - -
VWA 733 - - - - - - - -

Allele frequencies

CSF1PO D10S1248 D12S391 D13S317 D16S539 D18S51 D19S433 D1S1656 D21S11 D22S1045 D2S1338 D2S441 D3S1358 D5S818 D7S820 D8S1179 FGA SE33 TH01 TPOX VWA
5 0.00204638
6 0.0122783 0.171214 0.0300136
6.2 0.00136426 0.000682128
7 0.0143247 0.000682128 0.00136426 0.0156889 0.00136426 0.0122783 0.238063 0.00750341
7.2 0.00204638
7.3 0.000682128
8 0.0129604 0.104366 0.0361528 0.00341064 0.00545703 0.000682128 0.0300136 0.163029 0.00818554 0.00136426 0.213506 0.383356
8.3 0.000682128
9 0.026603 0.0538881 0.1603 0.00136426 0.000682128 0.0327422 0.132333 0.00545703 0.195089 0.175989
9.1 0.00136426
9.2 0.000682128
9.3 0.165757
10 0.260573 0.00341064 0.0491132 0.108458 0.0095498 0.0047749 0.00613915 0.0450205 0.145975 0.095498 0.27558 0.0777626 0.00204638 0.0136426 0.085266
10.2 0.00545703 0.000682128
10.3 0.000682128 0.000682128
11 0.268759 0.0306958 0.302865 0.313779 0.0136426 0.0313779 0.0818554 0.199864 0.348568 0.293997 0.222374 0.0627558 0.000682128 0.300136 0.00341064
11.2 0.00409277
11.3 0.0457026
12 0.333561 0.0682128 0.308322 0.219645 0.0995907 0.100273 0.0811733 0.0204638 0.109141 0.00136426 0.345157 0.154843 0.116644 0.00341064 0.0170532
12.2 0.0204638 0.00272851
12.3 0.0143247
13 0.0593452 0.238745 0.121419 0.133015 0.0907231 0.274216 0.0791269 0.00341064 0.0327422 0.00204638 0.185539 0.0354707 0.252387 0.00886767 0.00341064
13.2 0.00136426 0.0306958 0.000682128 0.00272851
13.3 0.00136426 0.0047749
14 0.0102319 0.294679 0.0566166 0.0279673 0.140518 0.25648 0.167804 0.0641201 0.000682128 0.24693 0.101637 0.0150068 0.00204638 0.248977 0.0293315 0.000682128 0.104366
14.2 0.0552524 0.0047749
14.3 0.0156889 0.00204638
15 0.00136426 0.184857 0.0552524 0.00136426 0.000682128 0.146658 0.113233 0.176671 0.310368 0.0450205 0.310368 0.000682128 0.000682128 0.162347 0.0368349 0.139154
15.2 0.00613915 0.0572988 0.000682128 0.00341064
15.3 0.0272851
16 0.143929 0.047749 0.000682128 0.140518 0.0190996 0.139154 0.235334 0.0525239 0.00272851 0.291951 0.0566166 0.0627558 0.212824
16.1 0.00341064
16.2 0.0102319 0.00272851
16.3 0.000682128 0.0607094 0.000682128
17 0.0334243 0.131651 0.115962 0.00545703 0.0525239 0.110505 0.116644 0.195089 0.00750341 0.000682128 0.0723056 0.235334
17.2 0.000682128 0.000682128 0.000682128
17.3 0.0102319 0.0627558 0.00204638
18 0.00136426 0.22442 0.0845839 0.00613915 0.00886767 0.0873124 0.0927694 0.000682128 0.0102319 0.103683 0.203274
18.2 0.00682128 0.00204638 0.000682128
18.3 0.00204638 0.0272851 0.00136426
19 0.135061 0.079809 0.00136426 0.151432 0.00341064 0.000682128 0.0641201 0.0927694 0.0784447
19.1 0.00341064
19.2 0.000682128 0.00613915 0.00136426
19.3 0.00272851 0.00545703
20 0.113915 0.0416098 0.000682128 0.10573 0.00136426 0.111869 0.0784447 0.0170532
20.1 0.000682128
20.2 0.00136426 0.00545703
20.3 0.000682128
21 0.0914052 0.0115962 0.0859482 0.127558 0.0354707 0.00204638
21.1 0.00136426
21.2 0.000682128 0.00545703 0.0115962
21.3 0.00136426
22 0.0634379 0.00750341 0.112551 0.165075 0.00682128
22.2 0.00750341 0.0150068
23 0.0593452 0.00204638 0.110505 0.158254 0.00204638
23.1 0.000682128
23.2 0.00136426 0.0190996
24 0.0354707 0.0729877 0.156889
24.2 0.00204638 0.0245566
24.3 0.000682128
25 0.0129604 0.0818554 0.0914052
25.2 0.000682128 0.0368349
26 0.00682128 0.00272851 0.0204638 0.0511596
26.2 0.000682128 0.0572988
27 0.00341064 0.0463847 0.00136426 0.0163711
27.2 0.0648022
28 0.213506 0.00272851
28.2 0.0572988
29 0.173943 0.00204638
29.2 0.00272851 0.000682128 0.0518417
29.3 0.00136426
30 0.172578 0.000682128 0.00136426
30.2 0.0218281 0.000682128 0.0381992
31 0.0777626
31.2 0.0879945 0.00204638 0.0218281
32 0.0156889 0.00204638
32.2 0.0975443 0.00818554
33 0.0047749 0.00136426
33.1 0.00409277
33.2 0.0300136 0.0047749
34 0.00545703 0.00136426
34.1 0.0047749
34.2 0.00545703 0.00136426
35 0.0122783 0.000682128
35.1 0.00341064
35.2 0.00136426
36 0.00750341
36.1 0.00136426
37 0.00272851 0.00136426
37.1 0.000682128
37.2 0.000682128
38 0.000682128
40.2 0.000682128
43.2 0.000682128

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