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Brazilian, São Paulo, Brazil

Study statistics

16 Autosomal STRs
Allele type
Length-based alleles
Sample size
São Paulo, Brazil
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Bibliographic information

Date published
July 1, 2014
Population Data of 16 Autosomal STR Loci of the Powerplex ESX 17 System in a Brazilian Population from the State of São Paulo
Maria Luiza Almeida Prado Oliveira e Sousa, Marco Aurelio Tuena de Oliveira, Eloisa A. Auler-Bittencout, Jose Arnaldo Soares-Vieira, Daniel Romero Munoz, and Edna Sadayo Miazato Iwamura
Forensic Science International: Genetics

The State of São Paulo is the most populous state in Brazil, including approximately one fifth of the population of the country. In addition to a strong economy, the state has relatively good social indicators when compared with the rest of the country. The capital city, also called São Paulo, is the sixth largest city in the world. Its population is considered the most multicultural and racially mixed in Brazil. Currently, the largest populations in São Paulo are of Italian, Lebanese, Spanish and Japanese origin, and the state has the largest number of Northeasterners outside of the Northeast region. This population structure may lead to a particular genotype frequency. In this context, the formation of a new database containing the allele frequencies of five new genetic markers (D2S441, D10S1248, D22S1045, D1S1656 and D12S391) in a sample population is relevant. The allele frequencies of 16 STR loci, including the five new European Standard Set (ESS) loci, were calculated in a sample of 1088–1098 unrelated individuals, who geographically represent the Capital city.

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Normalized frequencies
🔴 Failed

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Misspelled locus names
🟢 Passed

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Forensic parameters

Forensic parameters for each locus as reported by the authors.
Locus # MP PI Hobs Hexp PIC PD PE HWE
D10S1248 1096 - - 0.735 0.773 0.733 0.913 0.475 0.003
D12S391 1098 - - 0.880 0.888 0.873 0.975 0.724 0.712
D16S539 1098 - - 0.768 0.793 0.762 0.928 0.532 0.885
D18S51 1097 - - 0.874 0.883 0.870 0.973 0.773 0.898
D19S433 1098 - - 0.796 0.808 0.876 0.974 0.673 0.162
D1S1656 1097 - - 0.891 0.894 0.886 0.979 0.740 0.518
D21S11 1092 - - 0.836 0.847 0.827 0.957 0.641 0.555
D22S1045 1097 - - 0.714 0.734 0.697 0.889 0.475 0.109
D2S1338 1096 - - 0.870 0.880 0.868 0.974 0.723 0.644
D2S441 1095 - - 0.749 0.777 0.742 0.920 0.467 0.013
D3S1358 1098 - - 0.774 0.781 0.745 0.916 0.558 0.997
D8S1179 1097 - - 0.804 0.811 0.791 0.942 0.586 0.059
FGA 1096 - - 0.859 0.871 0.853 0.968 0.670 0.677
SE33 1088 - - 0.928 0.945 0.942 0.992 0.875 0.051
TH01 1092 - - 0.788 0.802 0.771 0.930 0.570 0.276
vWA 1098 - - 0.810 0.807 0.786 0.936 0.658 0.487

Allele frequencies

D10S1248 D12S391 D16S539 D18S51 D19S433 D1S1656 D21S11 D22S1045 D2S1338 D2S441 D3S1358 D8S1179 FGA SE33 TH01 vWA
5 0.0005 0.0023
5.2 0.0005
6 0.2227
7 0.2126
8 0.0205 0.0005 0.0018 0.0077 0.139
9 0.1658 0.0005 0.0005 0.0023 0.0114 0.1783
9.1 0.0009
9.3 0.2286
10 0.0023 0.0979 0.0073 0.0014 0.0027 0.0091 0.2206 0.0005 0.0729 0.0142
10.2 0.0009
10.3 0.0005
11 0.01 0.2791 0.0087 0.3078 0.0547 0.1208 0.3078 0.0825 0.0014 0.0018 0.0032
11.2 0.0005 0.0023
11.3 0.0562
12 0.0593 0.26 0.1267 0.102 0.0994 0.0169 0.0005 0.0708 0.0023 0.1258 0.0032
12.2 0.01 0.0014
12.3 0.005
13 0.281 0.1544 0.1149 0.2536 0.0871 0.0046 0.0014 0.0279 0.0023 0.289 0.0069 0.0032
13.2 0.0005 0.0273 0.0032
13.3 0.0005
14 0.3089 0.0005 0.0214 0.1513 0.3015 0.1454 0.0419 0.0009 0.263 0.0911 0.2439 0.0285 0.0879
14.1 0.0005
14.2 0.0005 0.0323 0.0028
14.3 0.0059 0.0005 0.0014
15 0.1889 0.0501 0.0005 0.1522 0.1389 0.1536 0.3587 0.0429 0.2791 0.134 0.0432 0.1225
15.2 0.0606 0.0005 0.0018
15.3 0.0451
16 0.1141 0.0305 0.1331 0.0342 0.1408 0.3295 0.042 0.0018 0.2568 0.0269 0.0767 0.2587
16.2 0.0005 0.0164 0.0005 0.0014
16.3 0.0483 0.0009
17 0.0333 0.1075 0.1212 0.0032 0.0474 0.1089 0.2235 0.219 0.0059 0.0018 0.0735 0.2628
17.1 0.0014
17.2 0.0023
17.3 0.0146 0.1108 0.0009 0.0005
18 0.0023 0.1976 0.0807 0.0027 0.0073 0.0862 0.1375 0.0087 0.0993 0.1685
18.2 0.0005 0.0032 0.0005
18.3 0.0209 0.046 0.0005
19 0.133 0.0488 0.0005 0.0005 0.1154 0.01 0.0666 0.0781 0.0765
19.1 0.0005
19.2 0.0005 0.0005 0.0018
19.3 0.0123 0.0082
20 0.1152 0.0305 0.1273 0.0005 0.1209 0.057 0.0132
20.1 0.0005
20.2 0.0005 0.0051
20.3 0.0036 0.0005
21 0.1107 0.0123 0.0493 0.1606 0.0363 0.0027
21.2 0.0009 0.0009 0.011
21.3 0.0009
22 0.1006 0.0059 0.0538 0.1661 0.0152
22.2 0.0032 0.0198
22.3 0.0005
23 0.0546 0.0009 0.11 0.1506 0.0018
23.1 0.0005 0.0005
23.2 0.005 0.0262
24 0.0269 0.0009 0.0917 0.1496 0.0009
24.2 0.0018 0.0005 0.0285
24.3 0.0009
25 0.015 0.0789 0.099 0.0005
25.1 0.0005
25.2 0.0009 0.0322
26 0.0023 0.0005 0.0137 0.0474
26.2 0.0515 0.0005
27 0.0005 0.0261 0.0036 0.0073
27.2 0.0639
27.3 0.0005
28 0.0009 0.1574 0.0018 0.0032
28.2 0.0712
29 0.2187 0.0018
29.2 0.0556
29.3 0.0005
30 0.2329 0.0005
30.2 0.0274 0.0423
30.3 0.0005
31 0.0686
31.2 0.1034 0.0271
32 0.011 0.0005
32.2 0.0906 0.0129
33 0.0046 0.0005
33.1 0.0009
33.2 0.0371 0.0023
33.3 0.0005
34 0.0032 0.0014
34.2 0.0018 0.0009
35 0.0059 0.0018
35.1 0.0014
35.2 0.0005
36 0.0027 0.0005
36.2 0.0005
37 0.0009 0.0005
44.2 0.0005
45.2 0.0009

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