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Study statistics

15 Autosomal STRs
Allele type
Length-based alleles
Sample size


Bibliographic information

Date published
July 1, 2012
Updated Brazilian STR Allele Frequency Data Using over 100,000 Individuals: An Analysis of CSF1PO, D3S1358, D5S818, D7S820, D8S1179, D13S317, D16S539, D18S51, D21S11, FGA, Penta D, Penta E, TH01, TPOX and vWA Loci
Vitor Rezende da Costa Aguiar, Eldamária de Vargas Wolfgramm, Frederico Scott Varella Malta, Adriana Gonçalves Bosque, Amanda de Castro Mafia, Vanessa Cristina de Oliveira Almeida, Fabiola de Andrade Caxito, Victor Cavalcanti Pardini, Alessandro Clayton Souza Ferreira, and Iúri Drumond Louro
Forensic Science International: Genetics

The Brazilian population is one of the most heterogeneous populations of the world, formed mainly by an admixture of European, African and Native American populations. Brazil is the fifth largest country in the world (8,511,960km2), being divided into five geographical regions. This study provides population genetic data of up to 137,161 unrelated individuals representing the entire Brazilian territory. Allelic frequencies and other population data analysis are reported for the 15 autosomal STR loci included in the PowerPlex®16 kit (Promega Corporation, Madison, WI, USA). In order to guarantee that individuals were not related, we have considered only F1 data from couples undergoing paternity testing. The number of individuals genotyped for each locus was: CSF1PO (113,526); D3S1358 (135,133); D5S818 (135,181); D7S820 (137,136); D8S1179 (134,211); D13S317 (137,161); D16S539 (136,942); D18S51 (136,739); D21S11 (130,014); FGA (135,839); Penta D (110,333); Penta E (128,055); TH01 (112,695); TPOX (123,102); vWA (127,415). Allele sizes ranged from 1 to 48.2. Statistic parameters (PD, PIC and Ho; considering values ≥0.75) suggest that markers D13S317, D16S539, D18S51, D21S11, D7S820, D8S1179, Penta D, Penta E, TH01, FGA and vWA were more informative for genetic identification purposes in the Brazilian population.

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Normalized frequencies
🟢 Passed

This check verifies that allele frequencies for each locus add up to 1 within a specified tolerance.

Misspelled locus names
🟢 Passed

Looks for common misspellings such as changing thee number 0 for the letter O.

Forensic parameters

Forensic parameters for each locus as reported by the authors.
Locus # MP PI Hobs Hexp PIC PD PE HWE
CSF1PO 113526 0.106 1.810 0.723 0.748 0.700 0.894 0.465 0.000
D13S317 137161 0.074 2.310 0.784 0.789 0.760 0.926 0.569 0.000
D16S539 136942 0.074 2.360 0.788 0.793 0.760 0.926 0.578 0.000
D18S51 136739 0.025 4.150 0.879 0.883 0.870 0.975 0.754 0.000
D21S11 130014 0.038 3.180 0.843 0.854 0.840 0.962 0.681 0.000
D3S1358 135133 0.085 2.200 0.772 0.777 0.740 0.915 0.549 0.000
D5S818 135181 0.113 1.870 0.732 0.735 0.690 0.887 0.480 0.000
D7S820 137136 0.068 2.480 0.798 0.802 0.770 0.932 0.596 0.000
D8S1179 134211 0.061 2.600 0.808 0.811 0.790 0.939 0.613 0.000
FGA 135839 0.029 3.860 0.871 0.874 0.860 0.971 0.736 0.000
Penta D 110333 0.034 3.410 0.853 0.862 0.850 0.966 0.702 0.000
Penta E 128055 0.015 4.880 0.898 0.909 0.900 0.985 0.790 0.000
TH01 112695 0.072 2.400 0.791 0.798 0.770 0.928 0.583 0.000
TPOX 123102 0.139 1.580 0.684 0.694 0.650 0.861 0.403 0.000
vWA 127415 0.064 2.640 0.811 0.808 0.780 0.936 0.619 0.000

Allele frequencies

CSF1PO D13S317 D16S539 D18S51 D21S11 D3S1358 D5S818 D7S820 D8S1179 FGA Penta D Penta E TH01 TPOX vWA
1 0.000005
2 0.000004 0.000004
2.2 0.033499
2.3 0.000005
3 0.000004 0.000018 0.000008
3.2 0.002529
4 0.000004 0.000007 0.000007 0.000031 0.000058 0.000004
5 0.000022 0.000011 0.000511 0.000007 0.000004 0.000026 0.000011 0.012716 0.060622 0.001562 0.000552
5.2 0.000005
6 0.000819 0.000058 0.000296 0.000011 0.000019 0.000055 0.00027 0.000115 0.001156 0.007669 0.211238 0.017713
6.2 0.000004
7 0.013376 0.001086 0.00038 0.000015 0.000033 0.017458 0.015033 0.000346 0.000004 0.013686 0.109383 0.240459 0.008404
8 0.020035 0.099839 0.024127 0.000091 0.000022 0.01761 0.157085 0.008244 0.000007 0.050805 0.057987 0.149354 0.455862 0.000008
8.2 0.000009
9 0.03286 0.081736 0.160298 0.001199 0.0001 0.038123 0.12053 0.009429 0.000018 0.184133 0.023213 0.162563 0.124117
9.2 0.000007 0.000258 0.000004
9.3 0.000011 0.000018 0.000008 0.226159
10 0.262376 0.052624 0.088406 0.009884 0.000104 0.061854 0.275034 0.068213 0.000018 0.140964 0.072114 0.008039 0.067302 0.000043
10.2 0.000004 0.000559 0.000004 0.000009
11 0.293585 0.295179 0.288681 0.010769 0.000607 0.329063 0.23636 0.077106 0.000015 0.156798 0.110308 0.000484 0.275532 0.003806
11.2 0.000009
12 0.302451 0.293338 0.256043 0.121118 0.000004 0.002442 0.346376 0.161387 0.12993 0.000015 0.165454 0.168049 0.000009 0.048123 0.000655
12.2 0.000044 0.000054 0.000008
12.3 0.000004
13 0.063686 0.126421 0.154507 0.108532 0.004218 0.174473 0.030415 0.278662 0.000015 0.154346 0.112971 0.000018 0.002173 0.005784
13.2 0.004761
13.3 0.000004 0.000004
14 0.009509 0.048228 0.024974 0.147222 0.093156 0.013071 0.003785 0.25087 0.000022 0.059928 0.069455 0.000013 0.000122 0.084448
14.2 0.000106
14.3 0.000007
14.5 0.000004
15 0.001233 0.001462 0.00169 0.152213 0.290991 0.001646 0.000055 0.138331 0.000026 0.019278 0.061958 0.000004 0.000053 0.137994
15.1 0.000004
15.2 0.000117 0.00007 0.000004
16 0.00004 0.000015 0.000055 0.144487 0.270308 0.000189 0.03363 0.000548 0.002959 0.047589 0.000004 0.000028 0.26002
16.2 0.000018 0.000007 0.000004 0.000004
16.3 0.000004
16.5 0.000004 0.000004
17 0.000018 0.121915 0.203278 0.000059 0.000004 0.004426 0.001502 0.001323 0.039604 0.000008 0.254844
17.2 0.000026 0.000004
17.3 0.000015 0.000012
18 0.07756 0.123926 0.000015 0.00057 0.009346 0.000036 0.02219 0.000013 0.000008 0.170153
18.2 0.000018 0.002359
18.3 0.000004
19 0.048622 0.009857 0.000004 0.000078 0.075358 0.000005 0.014131 0.065726
19.2 0.000015 0.000596
20 0.029085 0.000807 0.000011 0.113907 0.009922 0.014139
20.2 0.000018 0.000239
21 0.013039 0.000033 0.000004 0.15108 0.006388 0.002174
21.2 0.000004 0.001344
22 0.000004 0.005532 0.000004 0.000011 0.161658 0.000005 0.004463 0.000177
22.2 0.002437
23 0.000004 0.001379 0.000004 0.149283 0.001363 0.000004
23.2 0.000004 0.00109
24 0.000753 0.000138 0.150932 0.000461
24.2 0.002119 0.000331
25 0.000373 0.000796 0.103402 0.000074
25.2 0.000592 0.00021
26 0.000186 0.001127 0.04742 0.000016
26.2 0.000031 0.000029
27 0.000285 0.030043 0.015953 0.000004
27.2 0.000077
28 0.000029 0.159367 0.005061 0.000004
28.2 0.002619 0.000007
29 0.208078 0.001807
29.2 0.004934 0.000022
30 0.231679 0.00071
30.2 0.028435 0.000173
31 0.076919 0.000107
31.2 0.089886 0.001134
32 0.028482 0.00007
32.2 0.075127 0.000151
33 0.011826 0.000037
33.2 0.028435 0.000018
33.3 0.000008
34 0.004588
34.2 0.003769
35 0.006442
35.1 0.000004
35.2 0.001323
36 0.002261
36.2 0.000027
37 0.000561
38 0.000265
39 0.000031
39.2 0.000004
40 0.000007
41.2 0.000004
42 0.000007
42.2 0.000048
43 0.000004
43.2 0.000578
44.2 0.000269
45.2 0.000276
46.2 0.000254
47 0.000004
47.2 0.00004
48.2 0.000015

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