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STRidER: Entire Database

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40 Autosomal STRs
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Length-based alleles
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Date published
Nov. 7, 2024
Recommendations of the DNA Commission of the International Society for Forensic Genetics (ISFG) on Quality Control of Autosomal Short Tandem Repeat Allele Frequency Databasing (STRidER)
Martin Bodner, Ingo Bastisch, John M. Butler, Rolf Fimmers, Peter Gill, Leonor Gusmão, Niels Morling, Christopher Phillips, Mechthild Prinz, Peter M. Schneider, and Walther Parson
Forensic Science International: Genetics

The statistical evaluation of autosomal Short Tandem Repeat (STR) genotypes is based on allele frequencies. These are empirically determined from sets of randomly selected human samples, compiled into STR databases that have been established in the course of population genetic studies. There is currently no agreed procedure of performing quality control of STR allele frequency databases, and the reliability and accuracy of the data are largely based on the responsibility of the individual contributing research groups. It has been demonstrated with databases of haploid markers (EMPOP for mitochondrial mtDNA, and YHRD for Y-chromosomal loci) that centralized quality control and data curation is essential to minimize error. The concepts employed for quality control involve software-aided likelihood-of-genotype, phylogenetic, and population genetic checks that allow the researchers to compare novel data to established datasets and, thus, maintain the high quality required in forensic genetics.

Here, we present STRidER (http://strider.online), a publicly available, centrally curated online allele frequency database and quality control platform for autosomal STRs. STRidER expands on the previously established ENFSI DNA WG STRbASE and applies standard concepts established for haploid and autosomal markers as well as novel tools to reduce error and increase the quality of autosomal STR data. The platform constitutes a significant improvement and innovation for the scientific community, offering autosomal STR data quality control and reliable STR genotype estimates.

leapdna checks

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Normalized frequencies
🟢 Passed

This check verifies that allele frequencies for each locus add up to 1 within a specified tolerance.

Misspelled locus names
🟢 Passed

Looks for common misspellings such as changing thee number 0 for the letter O.

Forensic parameters

Forensic parameters for each locus as reported by the authors.
Locus # MP PI Hobs Hexp PIC PD PE HWE
CSF1PO 9283 - - - - - - - -
D10S1248 13965 - - - - - - - -
D11S2368 500 - - - - - - - -
D12S391 13966 - - - - - - - -
D13S317 9283 - - - - - - - -
D13S325 500 - - - - - - - -
D14S1434 500 - - - - - - - -
D15S659 500 - - - - - - - -
D16S539 13965 - - - - - - - -
D17S1301 500 - - - - - - - -
D18S1364 500 - - - - - - - -
D18S51 13963 - - - - - - - -
D19S253 500 - - - - - - - -
D19S433 13965 - - - - - - - -
D1S1656 13966 - - - - - - - -
D20S482 500 - - - - - - - -
D21S11 13965 - - - - - - - -
D21S2055 1696 - - - - - - - -
D22GATA198B05 500 - - - - - - - -
D22S1045 13965 - - - - - - - -
D2S1338 13962 - - - - - - - -
D2S441 13966 - - - - - - - -
D3S1358 13964 - - - - - - - -
D3S1744 1696 - - - - - - - -
D4S2366 1696 - - - - - - - -
D5S2800 500 - - - - - - - -
D5S818 9283 - - - - - - - -
D6S474 1696 - - - - - - - -
D7S3048 500 - - - - - - - -
D7S820 9283 - - - - - - - -
D8S1132 1696 - - - - - - - -
D8S1179 13965 - - - - - - - -
D9S1122 500 - - - - - - - -
FGA 13962 - - - - - - - -
Penta D 3501 - - - - - - - -
Penta E 3501 - - - - - - - -
SE33 9810 - - - - - - - -
TH01 13965 - - - - - - - -
TPOX 9283 - - - - - - - -
VWA 13959 - - - - - - - -

Allele frequencies

CSF1PO D10S1248 D11S2368 D12S391 D13S317 D13S325 D14S1434 D15S659 D16S539 D17S1301 D18S1364 D18S51 D19S253 D19S433 D1S1656 D20S482 D21S11 D21S2055 D22GATA198B05 D22S1045 D2S1338 D2S441 D3S1358 D3S1744 D4S2366 D5S2800 D5S818 D6S474 D7S3048 D7S820 D8S1132 D8S1179 D9S1122 FGA Penta D Penta E SE33 TH01 TPOX VWA
1 0.000179019 0.0000358038 0.0000358038 0.000966633 0.000179057 0.0000358064 0.0000358038 0.000143246 0.000101937
2.2 0.022565
3 0.000142816
3.2 0.00185661
4 0.0000358038
4.2 0.000101937
5 0.0000358038 0.00642674 0.06998 0.000716076 0.000215448
5.2 0.000142816 0.000101937
6 0.00102338 0.000215448 0.001 0.004 0.000269309 0.00114253 0.000285633 0.193305 0.00958742
6.2 0.0000716076 0.0000509684
6.3 0.0000538619 0.000407747
6.4 0.000142816
7 0.0105569 0.0000358038 0.00150813 0.003 0.222 0.000823487 0.0154045 0.0118496 0.0000358038 0.001 0.0187089 0.101114 0.226924 0.00280082
7.1 0.0000538619
7.2 0.000203874
7.3 0.0000538619 0.00030581 0.0000358038 0.0000538619
7.4 0.000142816
8 0.00872563 0.000107411 0.195411 0.0175081 0.018 0.000179019 0.000358012 0.000107411 0.000608621 0.0110956 0.173758 0.00841389 0.043559 0.0338475 0.000152905 0.113426 0.515081
8.1 0.0000358012 0.000142816
8.3 0.000358038
8.4 0.000142816
9 0.030809 0.00110992 0.093612 0.001 0.006 0.149409 0.001 0.000537134 0.009 0.00243466 0.000393814 0.01 0.00171846 0.000179032 0.319281 0.046806 0.000294811 0.108478 0.00762621 0.008 0.229506 0.013996 0.00030581 0.235231 0.133685
9.1 0.00307891 0.00193903
9.2 0.0000538619 0.000101937
9.3 0.0000538619 0.0000538619 0.201862
10 0.238447 0.000608665 0.0866099 0.29 0.037 0.0840673 0.042 0.00608752 0.018 0.00153956 0.00336532 0.004 0.00615825 0.184162 0.000294811 0.146816 0.141441 0.239955 0.0919441 0.054 0.129534 0.0742645 0.000407747 0.0272467 0.0578477 0.0000358192
10.1 0.000107724 0.00028641 0.000323171
10.2 0.000393898 0.0000716076 0.000152905
10.3 0.000107404 0.000107724 0.000142816 0.0000358038
11 0.294301 0.0075546 0.265593 0.036 0.222 0.297744 0.292 0.001 0.00995488 0.147 0.0102041 0.0765788 0.007 0.149087 0.327796 0.000859353 0.101415 0.291177 0.000294811 0.273726 0.0926244 0.237 0.143673 0.151243 0.000662589 0.000644468 0.252612 0.000501469
11.1 0.0000538619 0.000107404 0.000269309
11.2 0.000358038 0.001 0.000856898 0.00107034
11.3 0.0000538619 0.0844909 0.0000538619
12 0.341054 0.045077 0.242702 0.018 0.163 0.27705 0.449 0.045 0.104777 0.353 0.0794844 0.0948733 0.039 0.004 0.0125313 0.0828799 0.000930965 0.000589623 0.20342 0.308252 0.00147406 0.157331 0.131579 0.405 0.180091 0.162668 0.0038736 0.000143215 0.0270387 0.000250734
12.1 0.0000358038 0.000358038 0.0000358038 0.000107724 0.0000509684
12.2 0.0000358038 0.0000716178 0.00608665 0.000884434 0.00101937
12.3 0.0029357 0.0000538619
13 0.0638802 0.283494 0.0000358012 0.0820317 0.261 0.059 0.149481 0.188 0.247 0.127408 0.16 0.239814 0.0814836 0.222 0.00544218 0.0000358115 0.0265287 0.0033658 0.00442217 0.138856 0.021 0.171604 0.277712 0.0269309 0.261833 0.256 0.000071623 0.148672 0.0959726 0.00800204 0.000807928 0.00250734
13.1 0.000294811
13.2 0.000501325 0.0277121 0.0000358038 0.00198777
13.3 0.0000358038 0.000143205 0.000716025 0.000101937 0.0000358038
14 0.00991059 0.290942 0.001 0.000537018 0.0314553 0.384 0.037 0.0232725 0.023 0.142 0.160102 0.061 0.300823 0.107189 0.477 0.01 0.04744 0.000429738 0.246814 0.0844672 0.110259 0.0822524 0.238 0.0118496 0.219634 0.0045244 0.000294811 0.209058 0.031 0.0561268 0.0556984 0.0224771 0.000215448 0.145354
14.1 0.0000358089 0.0000358012 0.000294811
14.2 0.000214854 0.0471178 0.00203874
14.3 0.00365173 0.000179006 0.0000509684
15 0.00118496 0.216183 0.002 0.0364457 0.000646343 0.006 0.207 0.00125313 0.005 0.185 0.169591 0.007 0.129932 0.181799 0.186 0.011 0.353276 0.000537172 0.0342618 0.276461 0.0663325 0.00648585 0.003 0.00204675 0.14829 0.000161586 0.000884434 0.143144 0.007 0.0142816 0.0592688 0.0314985 0.0000538619 0.0939179
15.1 0.0000716025 0.0000358089
15.2 0.000751987 0.0819549 0.0000716025 0.0000358038 0.0000716127 0.00127421
15.3 0.0405628 0.0000358012 0.0000358038 0.000560652
16 0.121446 0.016 0.0257769 0.0000538619 0.004 0.004 0.18 0.0000358038 0.126 0.148571 0.001 0.0377014 0.151905 0.052 0.131 0.283387 0.0397508 0.00318631 0.287418 0.11704 0.000589623 0.001 0.000215448 0.259139 0.003 0.0129717 0.0453276 0.001 0.00118178 0.00199943 0.0497001 0.0448012 0.194677
16.1 0.0000716025 0.0698703 0.000214869 0.000203874
16.2 0.000465516 0.0249194 0.0000716127 0.000611621
16.3 0.0000716025 0.0000358089 0.0431047 0.00107034
16.4 0.000142816
17 0.030648 0.048 0.103287 0.012 0.061 0.043 0.10492 0.00325815 0.0582844 0.003 0.188 0.128715 0.1763 0.0000358012 0.219386 0.320165 0.239 0.0840212 0.068 0.122642 0.00708915 0.00114597 0.0482719 0.0698777 0.259438
17.1 0.000358012 0.000143205 0.0182783 0.0000358064 0.0000358038 0.0000509684
17.2 0.000250662 0.00365199 0.000107419 0.000071623 0.000142816 0.000611621
17.3 0.0113848 0.0996348 0.000713558
17.4 0.000571265
18 0.00243466 0.143 0.19458 0.045 0.021 0.143 0.066712 0.000179019 0.00705284 0.099 0.0122091 0.0807191 0.116371 0.178066 0.28 0.00854953 0.091 0.213149 0.00114572 0.014253 0.000142816 0.0305627 0.0812946 0.200373
18.1 0.0000358012 0.0182783 0.0000509684
18.2 0.0000358089 0.00121733 0.000787853 0.000917431 0.0000358192
18.3 0.0115638 0.039811 0.000662589
18.4 0.000428449
19 0.000179019 0.241 0.141773 0.167 0.003 0.062 0.0480556 0.00103824 0.244 0.00125313 0.144499 0.00941707 0.142394 0.006 0.000294811 0.061 0.168042 0.0000716076 0.069904 0.000142816 0.0184233 0.077472 0.0846407
19.1 0.000608621 0.199882 0.0000509684
19.2 0.000107404 0.0000358038 0.000859476 0.00203874
19.3 0.00622941 0.00705284 0.0000509684
19.4 0.000428449
20 0.266 0.132966 0.308 0.006 0.0254601 0.0000716025 0.153 0.000250627 0.130139 0.000823546 0.0492335 0.025 0.075 0.136498 0.104856 0.012425 0.0550459 0.0165843
20.1 0.0300708 0.000101937
20.2 0.0000358012 0.000823664 0.0069317
20.3 0.000966633 0.000393814
21 0.206 0.110733 0.231 0.0129628 0.11 0.0457671 0.00972877 0.106 0.115271 0.156854 0.00985433 0.0330275 0.00154022
21.1 0.00412736 0.000589623 0.000356779
21.2 0.0000716178 0.0059089 0.017737
21.3 0.000214807 0.0000358115 0.000152905
22 0.059 0.0990978 0.141 0.00834348 0.000294811 0.044 0.0000358038 0.0461252 0.00147406 0.003 0.086 0.113797 0.184178 0.00499857 0.00948012 0.000143277
22.1 0.0000358089 0.000294811 0.0000509684
22.2 0.00956167 0.024261
22.3 0.000107404 0.000143246
23 0.016 0.0762208 0.071 0.00193368 0.00589623 0.005 0.125985 0.165 0.186 0.0819575 0.155637 0.00314196 0.00244648
23.1 0.0000509684
23.2 0.000143246 0.000294811 0.00598052 0.0345056
23.3 0.0000716076 0.000071623
24 0.002 0.0278534 0.017 0.0012175 0.0126769 0.110371 0.019 0.181 0.0253538 0.138805 0.000856898 0.000560652
24.1 0.0000358115
24.2 0.0000358012 0.000358038 0.00504942 0.0352701
24.3 0.000608665 0.000071623 0.0000509684
25 0.0141415 0.001 0.000393898 0.00028643 0.135613 0.0806833 0.098 0.00737028 0.0867354 0.00114253 0.00030581
25.2 0.0000358012 0.000250627 0.00247099 0.0415392
25.3 0.0000716076 0.0000358115
26 0.00358012 0.0000716178 0.00143215 0.136498 0.0159003 0.037 0.000589623 0.0361696 0.000285633 0.00030581
26.1 0.0000358115 0.0000509684
26.2 0.0000716076 0.000608795 0.0582569
26.3 0.002 0.0000509684
27 0.00107404 0.0228786 0.0232901 0.00225612 0.006 0.0102063 0.000101937
27.2 0.000143246 0.0727319
27.3 0.001 0.000294811 0.000152905
28 0.131579 0.00766509 0.000179057 0.001 0.00365277 0.000560652
28.1 0.0000358038
28.2 0.000465449 0.0000358115 0.0758919
28.3 0.0000358038 0.000294811 0.0000509684
29 0.224168 0.035967 0.00132503 0.000356779
29.2 0.00100251 0.0000358115 0.0624873
29.3 0.000214823 0.000101937
30 0.234873 0.0277123 0.001 0.000429738 0.00030581
30.1 0.0000358038 0.0000509684
30.2 0.0364841 0.000143246 0.0489806
30.3 0.000322234
31 0.0716434 0.0356722 0.000107434 0.00030581
31.1 0.000143246
31.2 0.086681 0.000286492 0.0293068
31.3 0.0000358038
32 0.0175439 0.0554245 0.000560652
32.1 0.000214823 0.0000358115
32.2 0.11357 0.0143221
32.3 0.000101937
33 0.00239885 0.073408 0.0000358115 0.00265036
33.1 0.000429646
33.2 0.0401719 0.0000358115 0.00586137
34 0.00118153 0.0648585 0.00203874
34.1 0.000250627
34.2 0.00461869 0.00285423
35 0.00332975 0.0327241 0.000866463
35.1 0.000214823
35.2 0.000608665 0.000458716
36 0.00125313 0.00884434 0.000407747
36.1 0.0000716076
36.2 0.000152905
37 0.000358038 0.00147406 0.000254842
37.1 0.0000358038
37.2 0.0000358038
38 0.000107411 0.000589623
40.2 0.0000358115
41.2 0.0000358115
42.2 0.000071623
43.2 0.000107434
44.2 0.000071623
45.2 0.000286492
46.2 0.0000358115
49.2 0.0000358115
99 0.0000716025 0.0000358038

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